Rocky Movie Review

The career of Sylvester Stallone is an interesting tale... so why not explore one of his earliest works? No, not that! The one that shot him into stardom, a movie he wrote his damn self: Rocky! It's a semi-autobiographical work, with Stallone depicting his own life science fiction movie struggles as instead the struggles of a low ranking boxer. Als

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Clown (2019) Movie Review

The Asylum strikes again, this time bringing us a movie that just so happens to be about a Clown, and just so happens to be named differently enough funny movies from the much better movie "Clown" and also just so happened to come out just (blog post) before IT: Chapter Two. What a (blog post) coincidence. Also, it just so happens to be terrible.So

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Killjoy 2 Movie Review

Every time I see one of these movies, I am left wondering just how they managed to get so many sequels, because if you thought Killjoy 1 was bad OH BOY you haven't seen Killjoy Killjoy 2 killer clown 2 yet.In this installment, we get less of the clown, on less sets, with far less creativity or visibility and an even less coherent plot and less reas

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About Me

Writing, reading, and scifi films are my favorite hobbies. I'm a huge fan of this genre. I enjoy playing videogames when I have the time. It is something I enjoy doing well. I can beat almost anyone my age.Some more sites like mineBad Movies LegacyViewings Society Back in the DayRealistic Bad MoviesGoretical Stimulation: Your brain on horror

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